Close the material loop and save

Integrated material flow management - your competitive advantage

As raw materials become scarcer and more expensive, the operational management of material flows is becoming increasingly important for companies. Interzero experts develop integrated waste management concepts for the retail, industrial and service sectors to reduce material flows in production, reduce environmental impact and return used raw materials to the business cycle.

Production waste, organic waste, hazardous substances, outdated transport packaging – many types of waste are full of potential in terms of resources and cost savings. Whether you are a large corporation, a small or medium-sized business, it pays to look closely at how much waste you generate and reduce it to an absolute minimum. Interzero’s specialist experts help you with a circular solution, by analysing your material flows in detail and ensuring a consistent separation of the different types of waste. This makes sorting faster and easier, increases the value of the individual waste fractions and facilitates the recycling of the raw materials contained in the waste.

By working with around 800 certified recycling companies, Interzero can extend its services beyond the company’s production plants and premises to entire networks of branches and workshops in retail and industry. Instead of purchasing new, secondary raw materials are reused in companies’ own production processes.

For example, automotive groups currently sell scrap metal from their own production and then have to buy fresh metal at the same time. In these cases, Interzero takes responsibility for material handling and logistics, ensuring that the raw materials remain in possession of the customer. The result is a closed loop of material recycling that is constantly starting again.

Closed waste loop concept

Interzero, Alpla and Donat have successfully implemented the closed waste loop concept in Slovenia, which allows Atlantic Droga Kolinska to reuse its packaging waste even after it has been discarded by the consumer. Interzero provides a set amount of waste PET green plastic packaging to the full-cycle system (green to green), recycles it with the help of partners, and creates a new 100% recycled plastic bottle. The quality and quantity of recycled materials recovered directly depends on the quality of the work done with the product at each stage of its life cycle – from sourcing and product design to marketing, use and, finally, recycling of the waste material.

Contact our sales team for any questions about the offer!

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