Consultancy for waste managment abroad

Is your company focused on exporting and selling products abroad? Are you aware of your legislative obligations in the field of waste management for products you sell abroad?

We will do our best to provide you with all the information you need on environmental legislation abroad

Many companies have complex international sales networks. It is a challenge to manage packaging legislation across networks and national borders, as each country adapts its directives to the market. Each law has different levels of stringency, and often companies operating in countries with less developed systems are not aware that they need to ensure compliance.

The combination of these factors can lead to non-compliance with the law, resulting in significant costs, fines or even imprisonment.

Interzero has an international presence, so we have an excellent knowledge of the legislation on waste products abroad. We have compiled key information on waste product legislation in 28 European countries, Canada and Turkey.

We offer advice and assistance in implementing all packaging waste management obligations in Austria, Italy and Germany in accordance with the current legislation in each country. For packaging waste management in other countries, please send us an enquiry.

Watch the webinar EPR packaging obligations in Croatia, Poland, Italy, Germany and Slovenia

Do you supply your products to Germany?


Online stores based in Europe or elsewhere that supply their products to consumers in Germany must comply with the new German Packaging Law. The new law applies to retailers who sell their goods in sales packaging to customers in Germany.

For more information on packaging licensing in Germany, please contact Interzero Slovenia or visit the “Lizenzero” website where you can register your packaging and comply with the legislation:
