Raising awareness among consumers, customers and employees

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More and more waste

As consumption rises, so does waste. A quick glance at our shopping trolleys reveals that a significant part of their contents will end up in packaging or other waste. When we buy new clothes and shoes, we have to make room for them in our wardrobes, so we tend to throw old pieces away. Discarded electrical and electronic equipment is also a growing part of our waste, and we can no longer imagine life without it.

The good news is that municipal waste is decreasing. Slovenia generated 7.7 million tonnes of all types of waste in 2020, a decrease of almost 9% compared to the previous year. On average, the average person in Slovenia produced 489 kg of municipal waste in 2020, 21 kg less than in 2019.
Despite an 11% decrease compared to 2019, construction waste still accounted for 59% of the total waste generated with 4.5 million tonnes. This was followed by municipal waste at 13% and thermal process waste at 12%. However, the amount of waste requiring special collection and disposal treatment for infection prevention is expected to increase by 37% in 2020. (Source: www.stat.si)

The data shows that we are paying more and more attention to the separation of waste that can be recycled and reused. But we are still far from the ideal of a zero-waste society. This vision envisages a shift from waste disposal to resource management. Waste can be a source of raw materials that can be reused.

Harmful to health and the environment

Some waste, such as end-of-life electrical and electronic devices, batteries, accumulators, etc., can endanger our health if disposed of improperly. Television sets often contain lead, which is harmful to health. Contact with lead-containing waste can endanger the kidneys, nervous system and reproductive organs of humans and, in the case of young children, mental development.

Electrical appliances such as fridges and freezers can contain gases that are harmful to the environment. Discarded batteries are also potentially harmful to the environment, as they can contain hazardous substances such as mercury and cadmium. Improperly disposed hazardous waste poses a risk to human health and the environment. Dangerous or toxic substances can contaminate groundwater or accumulate in organisms we eat.

By recycling and separating waste properly, each of us can contribute to reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and thus to the fight against climate change.

Protecting natural resources

Natural resource stocks are limited and visibly depleting. One way to conserve natural resources is to recycle used products so that new raw materials can be recovered.

Global consumption of raw materials is currently around 70 billion tonnes a year, double the level of 30 years ago. Experts estimate that if the demand for raw materials will continue to grow at the same rate, it will be twice as high as today’s by 2030. The European Commission warns that we can no longer afford such wasteful use of resources. Over-exploitation of natural resources causes irreparable damage to the environment.

By reusing the raw materials we already use, we relieve the burden on the environment and preserve the climate. Recycling has the added benefit of creating new jobs, with the European Environment Bureau calculating that recovering 70% of waste could create more than 800 000 jobs in Europe by 2030.

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